On November 24, a pedestrian subway was put into operation in the area of the Russian-Bashkir Friendship Monument. Andrey Nazarov, Prime Minister of the Government of the Republic of Bashkortostan, his deputy Raif Abdrakhimov, and Sergey Grekov, the Head of the Ufa City Municipal District Administration attended the event.

The facility was built by “Dortransstroy” as part of the reconstruction of the Belaya River embankment. Its length is 110 meters, width – 5 meters, height – 2.33 meters. The subway is equipped with CCTV cameras, lights with motion sensors and has a separate wheelchair ramp. In addition to the main tunnel, technical and auxiliary rooms are located below: a water meter unit, a cleaning equipment room, a pump room and an electric room. There is a viewpoint with a triplex glass fence at the exit of the subway on the embankment side.

According to Andrey Nazarov, a pedestrian subway on this section of the road was necessary, since this junction is loaded with traffic.

– The construction of the subway is of great importance for the city. Firstly, with its appearance, we made the traffic towards the embankment safer for pedestrians and cyclists. Secondly, it removed the unnecessary load from the road traffic. This will be more comfortable for both pedestrians and motorists, – the Prime Minister said.

According to Konstantin Pappe, Head of the Department for Construction, Repair of Roads and Artificial Structures of Ufa City Administration, the construction of the subway was carried out in an open way. One half of Sochinskaya Street was blocked first, and after the completion of work on this section and the passage of traffic, the other half was blocked. Utilities were removed and 324 piles were installed. In addition, in situ concrete works, a staircase descent, and a storm drainage system have been completed.

It should be noted that the construction of the pedestrian crossing was to begin in 2019 and be completed in 2020. However, the deadline was postponed. As Andrey Nazarov explained, there is a cultural heritage site "Gorodische II" on the side of the Russian-Bashkir Friendship Monument. Remains of ancient animals and household items were found during excavation works and archaeological excavations were required. Therefore, the construction of the tunnel part was started in six months.

Due to the fact that the pedestrian subway was put into operation, the traffic lights near the Russian-Bashkir Friendship Monument public transport stop were turned off today and will be removed shortly. Special signs have been installed to inform pedestrians about the need to use the subway.

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