Ratmir Mavliev led a class hour in one of the Ufa gymnasiums

On February 22, Acting Head of Ufa City Administration Ratmir Mavliev visited the Republican Polylingual Multidisciplinary Gymnasium No. 1.

On February 22, Acting Head of Ufa City Administration Ratmir Mavliev visited the Republican Polylingual Multidisciplinary Gymnasium No. 1.

After talking with teachers, Ratmir Mavliev led a class hour for 11th grade students, talked with them on the topic of protecting the Motherland, learned about the children's plans for the future. Most pupils expressed their desire to stay in their hometown and receive higher education here. Someone wants to study in Moscow or St. Petersburg, and then return to Ufa.

The topic of the pandemic did not stand aside, during which the medical professions acquired special significance. The idea was voiced that doctors also stand guard over our Motherland.

«If each of you will respect your Motherland, your loved ones, honor the memory of your ancestors, then this is also nothing more than the defense of the Motherland,» said Ratmir Mavliev.

Answering the question what decisions he made first as the Acting Head of Ufa City Administration, Ratmir Mavliev stated that most of them are related to the basic needs of the citizens.

«This includes snow and garbage cleaning, as well as other issues of the housing and communal sector. We now have a shortage of workers and equipment in that sector, but there are questions about the attitude of people to their duties. In addition, a large amount of work is to be done in preparation for the celebration of the 450th anniversary of Ufa,» he said.

In conclusion, Ratmir Mavliev noted that today the world is rapidly changing, so a person needs to constantly learn, acquire new knowledge, competencies, and adapt to current realities. He wished the children success in their studies and congratulated them on the upcoming holiday.

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