The Administration of Ufa hosted a meeting with the medalists of the Winter Olympics in Beijing

On February 27, the municipality hosted a meeting between the Acting Head of the Ufa Administration Ratmir Mavliev and the medalists of the XXIV Winter Olympic Games in Beijing and their coaches.

On February 27, the municipality hosted a meeting between the Acting Head of the Ufa Administration Ratmir Mavliev and the medalists of the XXIV Winter Olympic Games in Beijing and their coaches.

Semyon Elistratov, Eduard Latypov, Alexander Tretyakov and their coaches - Andrey Maksimov, Evgeny Melchakov, Rustem Faizov, as well as the director of the sports school of the Olympic reserve of the Republic of Bashkortostan Viktor Nikitin attended the meeting.

Ratmir Mavliev expressed gratitude to the Olympians for their achievements and noted that behind each of these medals is the titanic work of the athlete, coach, and the entire team.

«I love sports, I do it myself, and therefore I know what efforts were made by each of you,» he said.

During the conversation, the athletes spoke about their impressions of the Olympic Games in Beijing, catering, accommodation of participants, anti-covid restrictions and future plans in sports.

Semyon Yelistratov stressed that he supports and will continue the development of short track in Ufa, noting that the ice in the Short Track Center, named after him, never stands idle, and the number of kids who want to do sports is only increasing. In turn, Evgeny Melchakov proposed to create a museum named after Semyon Elistratov in the Center and store all his numerous medals in it.

At the end of the meeting, Ratmir Mavliev presented the Ufa athletes and their coaches with certificates of honor from the Ufa City Municipal District Administration, Republic of Bashkortostan.

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