Happy Local Government Day!

Congratulations from the Head of Ufa City Administration of the Republic of Bashkortostan Ratmir Mavliev.

Happy Local Government Day!

Dear municipal employees and deputies! Dear Ufa citizens!

I sincerely congratulate employees and veterans of municipal authorities, as well as all residents of our city on the Day of Local Government!

This is the most important institution of civil society, ensuring the implementation of  people’s power. It is the requests of the inhabitants of a particular territory, their aspirations and concerns that are the essence of the work of any municipality. This is the first address to which citizens turn with their requests and proposals.

The work of a municipal employee requires professionalism and responsiveness to people. The functioning of the entire local government directly depends on these business qualities.

Dear friends! With all my heart I wish you all good health, peace and prosperity, as well as success for the benefit of our beloved city!

Happy Local Government Day!

Head of Ufa City Administration

Ratmir Mavliev

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