Ratmir Mavliev took part in the youth career forum

The topic of one of the discussion platform meetings was «Ufa - a city of the young and for the young».

The Ufa Art-Kvadrat hosts the JOB SPACE youth career forum, which has brought together more than five hundred future specialists, start-up entrepreneurs, and representatives of working youth into a single team.

The event is held in three directions: «Career» (search for a dream job in the leading companies of the city of Ufa, the opportunity to improve your skills); «Business» (for beginners and existing entrepreneurs); «Trudmol» (work youth) (opportunities for the working youth of the capital).

The forum includes a job fair, business games, consultations, lectures, meetings, etc.

The topic of one of the discussion platform meetings was «Ufa - a city of the young and for the young», where a conversation between the Head of the Administration of the capital of Bashkortostan Ratmir Mavliev and working youth took place.

The discussion was held in the «Q&A» format ". Young people asked questions about the worrying topics, and the Head of Ufa City Administration shared his experience and told what changes are planned in the future in Ufa.

«Youth are people who have higher requirements for everything, and they broadcast them to their place of residence. What surrounds us matters a lot. In this part, we have a large number of tasks. This includes the development of public transport, and the improvement of the city, and much more. This year alone, ten parks are being built and renovated. As part of the 450th anniversary of Ufa, new facilities will appear that will become a new hallmark of our capital. There are currently many opportunities for additional education. We, in turn, must create new platforms so that young people can realize themselves and acquire the competencies that they can use in the future. But the world is changing so fast that you need to quickly navigate, not stand still and change with it, gaining new knowledge and skills. In this regard, the state creates many programs in which you can participate. The main thing is to try, not to give up, to be persistent and then everything will work out for sure», said Ratmir Mavliev.

The City Youth Employment Assistance Center with the support of the Youth Affairs Committee of the Ufa Administration organized the JOB SPACE forum, which unites everyone who is associated with work, career and career guidance of youth.

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