Ratmir Mavliev and Karine Khabirova noted the merits of the youth of Ufa

Ratmir Mavliev held a meeting with members of the regional headquarters of the «Immortal Regiment» movement.

On May 19, the Head of the Ufa City Administration, Ratmir Mavliev, held a meeting with members of the regional headquarters of the Immortal Regiment movement.

«It pleases and causes sincere pride that Ufa was one of the first to create its own youth headquarters. Thanks to our joint work, this year the capital of the republic hosted the most massive march of the «Immortal Regiment» - 176,000 people. Everything went smoothly, beautifully and without any incident. This is also your merit. For my part, I am always ready to provide you with assistance and support», said Ratmir Mavliev

The head of educational and patriotic projects for youth of the Regional branch of the All-Russian movement «Immortal Regiment of Russia» in the Republic of Bashkortostan Karine Khabirova thanked the children for their great and responsible work.

«The work that you do, the fact that you popularize history, the memory of the past, is very important and valuable. We need to remember the history of our grandfathers and great-grandfathers, grandmothers and great-grandmothers. This is important, first of all, for the development of our society. Today you are shaping the environment around you, the society and the world in which you want to live now and in the future. You must be active in your inner position, confident in what you are doing, and then you will succeed», she emphasized.

The young citizen, in turn, shared their impressions of past festive events, communication with veterans, work in the headquarters in general, difficulties and highlights, plans and tasks for the future.

«I have been doing this since the very beginning of the work of the headquarters. This is a rather difficult activity, not everything is so easy, but we see that children are interested in it. I am very glad that I am involved in this, that I can help in some way», shared Elizaveta Bazhanova.

At the end of the meeting, the members of the Youth Headquarters were awarded the Letters of Gratitude of the Ufa City Administration and the Regional Branch of the All-Russian Movement «Immortal Regiment of Russia» in the Republic of Bashkortostan.

The Republic of Bashkortostan entered the top ten most active regions of Russia in terms of holding the «Immortal Regiment» action. It was noted that for the first time the flags of all 63 municipal districts of the republic took part in the procession.


On October 15, 2019, the first in Russia Youth Headquarters of the «Immortal Regiment» movement was formed in Ufa. The idea of its creation belongs to the wife of the Head of the Republic of Bashkortostan Karine Khabirova. Representatives of the councils of high school students actively supported it and created an initiative group to hold a founding conference.

The activists of the Youth Headquarters showed themselves in the difficult years of 2020 and 2021, when the «Immortal Regiment» was held online due to the coronavirus pandemic. The children volunteered to participate in the work of the «hot line»: they advised the population on the issues of posting information, and prevented provocations.

This year, activists of the Ufa City Youth Headquarters took an active part in organizing and holding the «Immortal Regiment» procession in the traditional format.

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