Happy Ufa City Day and Russia Day!

Congratulations from the Head of Ufa City Administration of the Republic of Bashkortostan Ratmir Mavliev.

Happy Ufa City Day and Russia Day!

Dear Ufa residents and guests of the capital!

Sincerely and with all my heart, I congratulate each of you on the 448th birthday of our beloved Ufa!

City Day is another reason to confess your love to your native capital. Love for the place where you live, study, work, create a family, and raise children.

We have big plans ahead. In two years, Ufa will celebrate its 450th anniversary! We are all preparing for this, putting in order our yards and entrances. We repair the roads and sidewalks. We build sports, cultural and educational facilities that our children and we visit. We are reconstructing our parks and squares.

I also want to congratulate you on another holiday - the Day of Russia! It draws us all to the common fate and history of the Fatherland. Traditions of the formation of Russian statehood. It unites around the tasks of serving the interests of a multinational country.

These days the republic is celebrating the 268th anniversary of our legendary hero Salavat Yulaev. His name will forever remain in the grateful memory of his descendants as an example of loyalty to his native people. And today, the descendants of Salavat are making a worthy contribution to the prosperity of our common home - great Russia.

I wish you all peace, health, kindness and prosperity!


Head of Ufa City Administration

Ratmir Mavliev

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