Happy Kurban Bayram!

Congratulations from the head of Ufa City Administration of the Republic of Bashkortostan Ratmir Mavliev.

Happy Kurban Bayram!

Dear Ufa Muslims! Dear friends!


I sincerely congratulate you, every family, on the bright holiday of Kurban Bayram! It symbolizes mercy and compassion for those in need, care for others - those qualities that contribute to the establishment of peace and prosperity on Earth.

We value good neighborly relations between the peoples and confessions of our city. And we will continue to work to strengthen mutual understanding between people.

May the Almighty God accept your charitable deeds!

I wish you all peace, kindness, well-being, family warmth and prosperity in every home!

Happy Kurban Bayram!


Head of Ufa City Administration Ratmir Mavliev

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