Ufa entered the top 5 greenest cities in Russia

The study was conducted based on geoinformation data.

Ufa entered the top 5 greenest cities in Russia

Ufa is in the top five among cities with more than million citizens in terms of the amount of forests and parks. The analytical company Marketing Logic conducted the study based on geoinformation data. Thus, the capital of Bashkortostan confirms its status as one of the greenest cities in Russia.

When compiling the rating, the areas of green spaces in the territories of cities, including parks, squares, national parks, forests and gardens, were taken into account. With 39 percent, Ufa took third place, behind only Perm (56%) and Krasnodar (46%).

It should be noted that in terms of further improvement and landscaping of the city, the head Ufa City Administration, Ratmir Mavliev, identified as a priority the transition from planting annual flowers and plants to perennials, planting more shrubs and trees, creating new alleys and expanding existing ones. In addition, the municipality is working on the matter of restoring the green frame of the historic center of the city. Places for planting trees will be determined along free corridors, taking into account engineering communications. It is also planned to continue comprehensive landscaping in areas where roads are being repaired.


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