Ratmir Mavliev entered the first group of the national rating of mayors of the capitals of the regions of Russia

The research was conducted among 88 regional capitals and major financial and industrial centers of the Russian Federation in June-July 2022.

Ratmir Mavliev entered the first group of the national rating of mayors of the capitals of the regions of Russia

The Center for Information Communications «Rating» in cooperation with the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation prepared a new study on the assessment of the activities of the mayors of the capitals of the regions and large financial and industrial centers of the Russian Federation in June-July 2022.

According to the results of the research, the head of Ufa City administration, Ratmir Mavliev, took 14th place among 88 mayors of Russian cities. The rating does not include representatives of the Moscow and Leningrad regions. The mayor of Ufa previously took 15th place in the results of research for April-May of this year.

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