Happy Builder's Day!

Congratulations from the head of Ufa City Administration of the Republic of Bashkortostan Ratmir Mavliev.


Happy Builder's Day!

Dear citizens of Ufa! Dear friends!

I sincerely congratulate all those involved in the construction industry of our capital on their professional holiday - Builder's Day!

The profession of a builder has always been one of the most sought after in society. Everything new that appears in our beloved city - residential buildings, renovated facades, kindergartens, schools, hospitals, engineering networks - all this was created by the hands of the builder.

Today we face big, ambitious tasks. Many new, good, useful facilities are being built in Ufa, and without the hard but noble work of the builders, this would not have been possible. I sincerely thank every worker in this profession and express my gratitude on behalf of all Ufa residents!

I wish all builders new interesting projects, reliable partners and success in implementing their plans. Happiness, kindness and prosperity to you and your loved ones!


Head of Ufa City Administration

Ratmir Mavliev

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