A solemn event dedicated to the Day of the Unknown Soldier took place in Victory Park

On December 3, in the Ufa Victory Park, as part of the All-Russian action «No One is Forgotten», flowers were laid at the Eternal Flame in memory of Russian and Soviet soldiers who died in battle actions in the country or abroad.

On December 3, in the Ufa Victory Park, as part of the All-Russian action «No One is Forgotten», flowers were laid at the Eternal Flame in memory of Russian and Soviet soldiers who died in battle actions in the country or abroad.

The «No One is Forgotten» campaign is included in the program of the 75th anniversary of Victory and the Year of Memory and Glory-2020. Day of the Unknown Soldier on December 3 was included in the calendar of memorable dates in Russia in 2014. This is a tribute to the memory of the soldiers who laid down their heads for the future of the country and people, were buried in mass graves or lie in places of death.

The flower-laying ceremony was attended by Deputy Prime Minister of the Government of the Republic of Bashkortostan Irek Sagitov, Minister of Youth Policy and Sports of the Republic of Bashkortostan Ruslan Khabibov, Head of the Regional Executive Committee of United Russia Rustem Akhmadinurov, Acting Head of the Administration of Ufa Rustem Gazizov and Deputy Military Commissioner of the Republic of Bashkortostan Rim Musin.

As part of the event, a ceremony was held to transfer the remains of the deceased Red Army soldier of the 170th Rifle Division Yakup Tiyapkulovich Minigulov for further burial at home. He was born in the Davlekanovsky district, died in the first weeks of the Great Patriotic War.

The deceased was found in the fall of this year in the Sebezhsky district of the Pskov region by the «Height 102» detachment. Scraps of a receipt for the storage of personal belongings identified soldier Yakup Minigulov.

Immediately after that, in the Republican Museum of Military Glory, the distinguished search volunteers were awarded the badges of the Ministry of Defense of Russia and certificates of the State Duma. In total, 23 search volunteers from 11 municipalities of Bashkortostan were awarded.

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