


The Administration of Ufa hosted a meeting with the medalists of the Winter Olympics in Beijing

On February 27, the municipality hosted a meeting between the Acting Head of the Ufa Administration Ratmir Mavliev and the medalists of the XXIV Winter Olympic Games in Beijing and their coaches.

Heroes of the Motherland honored in Victory Park

On February 23, a flower-laying ceremony was held in Ufa's Victory Park in honor of Defender of the Motherland Day.

Happy Defender of the Motherland Day!

Congratulations from the Acting Head of Ufa City Administration Republic of Bashkortostan Ratmir Mavliev.

Ratmir Mavliev led a class hour in one of the Ufa gymnasiums

On February 22, Acting Head of Ufa City Administration Ratmir Mavliev visited the Republican Polylingual Multidisciplinary Gymnasium No. 1.

Ufa athletes won 4 bronze medals at the Beijing Olympics

According to the results of the XXIV Winter Olympic Games, held from February 4 to 20, 2022 in Beijing, Ufa athletes won four bronze medals.

Semyon Elistratov returned to Ufa with the Beijing Olympics medal

At the airport students and coaches of SSOR No. 1, as well as Olympic champions Timur Safin and Adelina Zagidullina greeted him with posters and flowers.

Rustam Galeev took part in the opening ceremony of the Russian-Japanese interregional and twinning exchanges Year

The event took place in a hybrid format - online and offline on January 29.

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